Eine Leyline ist eine mit 'Lebenskraft' pulsierende Linie, die meist geradlinig durch die Landschaft läuft. Es handelt sich um einen Lebensstrom, der da, wo er fließt, die Pflanzen-, Tier- und Menschenwelt nährt und inspiriert, vor allem, wenn er mit Steinsetzung in wahrnehmbare Energien transformiert wurde (Steinkreise). Eine solchermaßen zentrierte Leyline wirkt impulsgebend und wachstumsfördernd für Lebensprozesse. Feinfühlige Menschen nehmen diese feinstofflichen Energien wahr und nutzen sie für inneres Wachstum und Bewusstwerdung.


Wie das Sonnenlicht verschiedene Wellenlängen hat, tragen auch Ley-Linien tragen zur Energieversorgung der Erde bei wirken auf die Epiphyse / Zirbeldrüse

We are beginning our pilgrimage on a new moon and solar eclipse, and flowing through to a full moon and lunar eclipse! This brings us full circle after many years of our earth work on the ley lines in the United Kingdom . . . the holy lands of the north.

Earth's Ley lines were called 'Dragon Lines' by the Chinese centuries ago. Now they are more popularly known as Rainbow Serpent lines. When several 'Dragon Lines' cross each other at a given point (node), their energy creates a massive vortex of energy. When ley lines are worked, loved and honored in a conscious way, not only does the Earth's sacred balance come further into harmony, but also the pilgrims working the ley lines become more balanced as well. The sacred traveler is healed as well as the Earth's life giving grid. It is a powerful symbiotic relationship between the Earth and humankind. On this pilgrimage, we will work with many such ley lines and nodes in England on the Michael and Mary ley lines. The Mary ley line undulates and crosses over the Archangel Michel ley line many times over in the England landscape making the Michael-Mary ley lines the most powerful ley lines on Earth. The Michael and Mary Line is part of the Rainbow Serpent that travels throughout England linking many sacred sites . . . from Carn-Les_Boel at the south-western tip of Cornwall, up through St Michael's Mount; Glastonbury, Avebury and many other sacred sites; From there, onwards up to Bury St. Edmunds, and finally to Hopton-on-Sea where it goes into the North Sea.

The major center crossing point of dozens of major ley lines, including the Michael/Mary ley line, is in Glastonbury, England. Glastonbury represents the HEART CHAKRA but also the THIRD EYE. An overwhelming amount of ley lines converge in Glastonbury, and you can feel it. Thus we can see (third eye chakra) from our heart (heart chakra) on this major ley line grid. In Glastonbury, the Michael and Mary lines pass through Glastonbury Abbey, Chalice Well, the Tor, Wearyall Hill, St. John the Baptist Church, etc... before moving on to the Avebury stone circle complex, and further over the English landscape. Earth's energy system is remarkably similar to our own human form. Our connection to the Earth is far more powerful than we realize, especially when our heart beat and third eye is not only held in the landscape but in our consciousness as a spiritual pilgrim.

*This pilgrimage offers an opportunity to raise our vibration and frequency, both physically and spiritually. The RAINBOW SERPENT LINES, with their SPIRITUAL and CELESTIAL CODES, work on us on a deep DNA level. They heal and restore us to our Christed, Celestial and Authentic Selves as well as bring about balance to this sacred Earth grid. This pilgrimage will lovingly increase our mystical and alchemical gifts and upgrade our original human and collective grid. The RAINBOW SERPENT LINES are beginning to re-emerge evolved and upgraded for a new Earth. We intend that this pilgrimage and our group's collective activities will aid in healing the great separation of all time . . . the illusion of separateness. The Holy Grail within us has been reopened, and great wisdom has been disclosed to humanity. Now it is time to put it into action.

This merging of the mind (wisdom) and heart (creative power) creates a new, human collective, unified geometry. With the merging of the Mind and Heart, there returns an alchemy needed to create from the Mind/Heart simultaneously. This enables the EARTH'S RAINBOW SERPENT LEY LINES to emanate through us, so we can restore and transmute all miscreation on Earth, and resurrect our Unified Christ Body and restore our ORIGINAL, COLLECTIVE, DIVINE BLUEPRINT.

This work has been mirrored in the past through numerous Master Teachers and sacred lineage lines that hold the Christ Template and Divine Blueprint. These have been coming forward quite strongly for at least four years now in England, Scotland, Egypt and Petra, Jordan. Many of us carry these holy and ancient grids from ancient star lineages.

We are drawing from our ancient lineages, that are alive in our DNA, which have manifested through the ancient times of Lemuria, Atlantis, Egypt, Maya, Inca, Druid, Pre-Celtic Orders, Star Elders, other Celestial Sources, and many more holy lineages. These holy strands of DNA are alive in us now, and we are about to finish anchoring them to the sacred grids of Mother Earth. This is an ANCIENT CREATIVE ALCHEMY which will manifest as a natural and intuitive alchemical process. It can only be activated and accessed through our open, sacred hearts that are also linked to the collective consciousness. We are doing this work together, as ONE!

Many of you have been going through a huge metamorphosis for many years, even decades. We have come to a tipping point in our evolution. It is time for the healing of ancient lineages and sacred ley lines on Mother Earth, and the unifying of different holy and divine perspectives. These are the final pieces to our living mastery and ascension. This humble and loving quest is the focus for this pilgrimage. We hope that you will join us.

The only prerequisite to joining us on this pilgrimage is to arrive with an open heart. If you are feeling the heart call to join us, then you have been divinely invited. No one arrives at one of our pilgrimages by mistake. You have been called. Now ... will you answer that call?



Aside from Hopton on the Sea, BURY ST. EDMUNDS is the second most, northeast node crossing point of both the Michael and Mary ley lines. The Abbey at one time was one of the largest, richest and famous in Europe. It reached its height in the 16th century, just before the dissolution of monasteries by King Henry VIII. Both the Michael and Mary ley lines run into the abbey ruins. In the center of the Choir, as stated in the book The Sun and The Serpent, "they kissed", but do not cross.


WANDLEBURY RING is a former 'hill-fort' of concentric earthworks. It is now a nature preserve and county park. In the central enclosure, the Mary leyline runs right through the middle of a pond.


Directly in the center of the ROYSTON AND TEMPLAR CAVE is an energy node where the Michael and Mary ley lines cross. The chamber is cut into the Earth itself. There is no doubt that the Royston Cave is a mystical place, where the earth currents fuse to create energies that may be used to penetrate the veils of matter. It is said to be a spot where illumination may be experienced." 

CHURCH OF ST. MARY THE VIRGIN IN CLOTHAL - Here the Mary ley line runs down the center of the building through the font and altar.


According to sources the the Michael and Mary ley line does not go through WAYLAND SMITHY but goes around it. However, last year a group member dowsed Wayland Smithy, and said that both lines came into Wayland Smithy, but did not cross or meet. Perhaps the result of the ever changing ley lines in its location and width.


DRAGON HILL AND UFFINGTON WHITE HORSE - The Mary ley line does not go through these but circles around them.


The Michael line runs through GLASTONBURY ABBEY, and then curves into the high altar, now marked out by a rectangle of turf (a former place of King Arthur's Tomb). The Mary ley line breaks into 2 streams and flows around King Arthur's Tomb, and then merges back together running down the center of the church. The Mary line then flows right along St. Mary's chapel, across the altar in the below-ground crypt and out through the west wall. The St. Mary's Chapel has always been acknowledged as the 'Mother Church' of Britain - the earliest site of the first Christian church, allegedly founded by Joseph of Arimathea and his 12 disciples shortly after the crucifixion." The St. Mary's chapel altar marks the precise spot where the Michael ley line and the Stonehenge ley line cross.

Glastonbury Abbey is rich in myth, legend and some very sketchy history. Legend says that Joseph of Arimathea brought Jesus here and built the old Waddle and Daub church. In 1191, legend says monks found the buried remains of King Arthur and Queen Guinevere under two huge, black marble stones. Both King Arthur and Queen Guinevere were re-buried in 1278 just in front of the high altar in the Abbey in the presence of King Edward I and Queen Eleanor. Again, they were buried under the original two huge, black marble stones. In 1539, the Abbey was destroyed by King Henry VIII. Many think he destroyed it because he was insanely jealous as the Abbey had a huge pilgrimage appeal because King Arthur and Queen Guinevere were buried here. He didn't like being overshadowed by a king that had been dead for centuries. He wanted King Arthur's legacy to be wiped out. So along with destroying the Abbey, he also destroyed any recorded history about King Arthur and his visions of Camelot. It is here where the remaining fragments of Arthurian history ends.


Both the Michael and Mary ley line pass through CHALICE WELL and the area known as King Arthur's Court. The Mary line continues through the Lion Mask to the famous well-head. We have arranged a PRIVATE visit for our group to Chalice Well. This will give us the opportunity to be in ceremony and partake in the powerful healing waters within the footsteps of Mother Mary, Mary Magdalene, the order of the (feminine) Mary's, Jeshua and Joseph of Arimathea.

Chalice Well is linked to Christian and Arthurian legend, and is a timeless and sacred place that is full of legend, symbolism, sacred geometry and tangible healing energy. The well's location is at a crossing of twin currents of energy of the Michael and Mary ley lines. It is said that Chalice Well is considered to be the 6th Chakra, relates to the THIRD EYE and is a location of legendary King Arthur's Court. Pilgrims have come here for centuries to drink the iron rich water and to meditate and be healed in its amazing gardens.


The Michael line runs through the tower of ST. JOHN'S THE BAPTIST CHURCH. It continues through the Lady Altar and the small St George's Chapel on the right-hand side of the main church. St. John's Church houses amazing stained glass windows encoded with hidden wisdom of King Arthur, Mother Mary, Mary Magdalene and Joseph of Arimathea. It even has, "hidden in plain sight", the graves of King Arthur and Queen Guinevere. Although many dowsers have confirmed this fact, it is still controversial.

What has haunted us over the years was the energy that we felt from two extremely old, black, marble slabs which cover two oddly, unmarked tombs on either side of the high altar at St John's Church. Once we touched these black marble stones, what washed over us was a tangible presence of King Arthur, Queen Guinevere, and a strange familiar feeling of an idealistic time in Camelot in which there was honor and impeccability. The tomb covers are oddly devoid of any names or dates. It appears that the original markings were actually removed. Interesting.




And so, perhaps, the truth winds somewhere between the road to Glastonbury,
Isle of the Priests, and the road to Avalon, lost forever in the mists of the
Summer Sea. ~ Marion Zimmer Bradley (The Mists of Avalon)


Amongst the rolling hills of England’s enamoring countryside, lies the county of Somerset, and within the Mendip Hills, its gentle boundaries, the mystical Isle of Avalon – also known as Glastonbury. Abundant with magical, healing waters, sacred groves, hallowed, healing springs, hidden caves, and its marvelously, natural sculpted world mountain (the Tor) – Glastonbury
is a sanctuary and gateway between the heavens and the underworld – a soul portal – a vortex that transcends time and space.
Over ten thousand years ago, this magical and mystical landscape, known also as Summer land, and the Somerset Levels, compelled people to gather towards it – its dramatic hill sitting in the center- it was a place of power, an earthly paradise where power was focused and increased, ley lines were abundant, and where communication was made between the worlds. The ley
lines (ley alignments) traversing from the center point of the Tor are numerous and abundant – connecting triangularly with Avebury and Stonehenge – a geomantic vortex of power and energy – it is a matrix of energy centers, ancient remains, ley alignments, coasts and islands. It is a place of transition for the soul – a place with extraordinary energy – a place where the
Great Mystery waxes strong – a natural temple, a cosmic axis, a world mountain and a gateway between the worlds.

Glastonbury is an ancient Druid spiritual center with Geomantic principles and global significance. The history and legends of this incredible Isle are as vast
and powerful as the energy of the land. The island became the place where the Son of God (Jesus) – visited as a young man during his ‘lost years’ – and where his uncle Joseph of Arimathea is said to have founded the region. Glastonbury has four sacred hills: the Tor, Wearyall Hill, Chalice Hill and St. Edmund’s (Windmill) Hill. The best for viewing Avalon is Wearyall Hill – each hill connecting via ley lines (ley alignments). It is said that Joseph of Arimathea came from Palestine, via southern France and Cornwall, carrying with him two cruets and, in some versions, the Holy Grail.


When Joseph and his party reached the Isle of Avalon late in 37 or 63 C.E., they were exhausted, giving name to the location “Wearyall Hill.” There Joseph struck his staff into the ground and a miracle occurred. The staff instantly took root and blossomed shoots and branches, and was once a tree where spiritual seekers and followers tied ribbons of prayers
and wishes upon its holy limbs, until it was vandalized in 2010. Joseph then stayed in Glastonbury with his twelve followers and built the Old Church to proportions based on Solomon’s Temple in Jerusalem.


For the Celts and Druids, the historical St. Brigit was said to have visited Glastonbury in 488 A.D. and to have rededicated the chapel (known as St. Mary’s Chapel in Glastonbury Abbey), to Mary Magdalene. To historians and mythologists, it became the place where the sword of the sovereignty of the land – Excalibur – was forged and then returned to its maker. It became the
place where its greatest king – Arthur – beheld the vision that led to his victories, and it was where he returned – when mortally wounded – to cross over to the other side – serving as his burial place, that of Merlin, Morgan Le Fay, Guinevere and many saints. A medieval pilgrimage place – it was a center for independent and spiritual thinking – visited by the Celtic
Christians, Knights Templar, mendicants, natural philosophers and occultists such as John Dee, and writers/poets such a William Blake. It became the place where the font of life itself in the form of the Holy Grail was buried, and with it, the transforming blood of the alchemists.* It is also the “stronghold of the faeries” (Caer Sidi), where the Otherworlds prevail
and the veils are thin.


A complex subterranean network provides the healing, mineralized water of the Red or Blood Spring that rises at the Chalice Well within an area called Chalice Well Gardens. The water people say, may originate from the locality, from the Mendip Hills, or from further away… from deep within the earth emerging to the surface for the first time.

The sacred geometrical symbol known as the Vesica Piscis was brought into the Chalice Well Gardens in the early 20th century. The two interlocking circles of the Vesica Piscis are present in the pool built in the 1980s in the lower part of the garden. The Vesica Piscis, with the sword of St.Michael through it, is wrought in iron over the entrance to King Arthur’s Courtyard. It is also
in the gates of the entranceway made in the 1990s, as well as the stonework of the path. And finally, and perhaps most importantly, it is the present on the lid, which covers the well head
(Chalice Well).

Avalon is an “inner” place, a space where the population lies around 35,000, yet the “Spirit population” is significantly higher. The intense energy-field transcends time, heightens your emotions, widens and deepens your awareness, delivers “instant karma”, causes remarkable chance occurrences and accelerates the maturing of destinies. Many who visit Glastonbury know not why they came, yet they depart feeling clearer, empowered, with decisions made. In Celtic lore, Avalon is the entrance to Annwn – the Underworld -where hidden realities become visible. If presented, truths are avoided and strange and difficult things happen. If welcomed, breakthrough can and will occur. If you feel drawn to visit this magical, spiritually historic place, do so with an open mind and heart, for what you invest affects what you get out. Glastonbury is a beautiful, sacred sanctuary of alchemy, a place of initiation, ancient teachings, mysticism, spirit and energy – she will gentle guide you to what your heart seeks most – allow her in and watch the magic unfold

Written and published by the author/owner (Maggie Marullo) of The Veil of Time




Und so, vielleicht, die Wahrheit windet sich irgendwo zwischen dem Weg nach Glastonbury,
Insel der Priester, und der Weg nach Avalon, verloren für immer in den Nebeln der
Sommermeer ~ Marion Zimmer Bradley (Die Nebel von Avalon)

Unter den sanften Hügeln der engagierten Landschaft Englands liegt die Grafschaft Somerset, und innerhalb der Mendip Hills, ihre sanften Grenzen, die mystische Insel Avalon - auch bekannt als Glastonbury. Reichlich mit magischen, heilenden Gewässern, heiligen Hainen, geheiligten, heilenden Quellen, versteckten Höhlen und seinem wunderbar natürlichen, gesäumten Weltberg (der Tor) - Glastonbury
Ist ein Heiligtum und ein Tor zwischen den Himmeln und der Unterwelt - ein Seelenportal - ein Wirbel, der Zeit und Raum übersteigt.
Vor zehntausend Jahren hat diese magische und mystische Landschaft, die auch als Sommerland und die Somerset-Ebenen bekannt ist, die Menschen dazu zwingen, sich zu ihm zu versammeln - ihr dramatischer Hügel, der in der Mitte sitzt - es war ein Ort der Macht, ein irdisches Paradies, in dem Macht War fokussiert und erhöht, ley Linien waren reichlich vorhanden, und wo Kommunikation zwischen den Welten gemacht wurde. Das ley
Linien (Ley-Ausrichtungen), die vom Mittelpunkt des Tores durchqueren, sind zahlreich und reichlich - verbindend dreieckig mit Avebury und Stonehenge - ein geomantischer Wirbel von Kraft und Energie - es ist eine Matrix von Energiezentren, alten Überresten, Ley-Ausrichtungen, Küsten und Inseln . Es ist ein Ort des Übergangs für die Seele - ein Ort mit außergewöhnlicher Energie - ein Ort, wo die
Großes Mysterium wächst stark - ein natürlicher Tempel, eine kosmische Achse, ein Weltberg und ein Tor zwischen den Welten.

Glastonbury ist ein altes Druide-geistiges Zentrum mit geomantischen Prinzipien und globaler Bedeutung. Die Geschichte und die Legenden dieser unglaublichen Insel sind so groß
Und mächtig wie die Energie des Landes. Die Insel wurde der Ort, an dem der Sohn Gottes (Jesus) - als junger Mann während seiner "verlorenen Jahre" besucht wurde - und wo sein Onkel Joseph von Arimathea die Region gegründet hat. Glastonbury hat vier heilige Hügel: das Tor, Wearyall Hill, Chalice Hill und St. Edmund (Windmill) Hill. Das Beste für das Betrachten von Avalon ist Wearyall Hill - jeder Hügel, der über Ley-Linien (Ley-Ausrichtungen) verbindet. Es wird gesagt, dass Joseph von Arimathea aus Palästina kam, über Südfrankreich und Cornwall, mit zwei Töpfen und in einigen Versionen den Heiligen Gral.

Als Joseph und seine Partei die Isle of Avalon spät in 37 oder 63 C.E. erreichten, waren sie erschöpft und gaben dem Ort "Wearyall Hill" einen Namen. Dort schlug Joseph seinen Stab in den Boden und ein Wunder trat ein. Das Personal nahm sofort Wurzeln und blühte Triebe und Zweige, und war einmal ein Baum, wo spirituelle Sucher und Anhänger gebundenen Bänder von Gebeten
Und wünschte auf seine heiligen Glieder, bis es 2010 vandalisiert wurde. Joseph blieb dann in Glastonbury mit seinen zwölf Anhängern und baute die Alte Kirche zu Proportionen, die auf dem Solomon-Tempel in Jerusalem basierten.


Für die Kelten und Druiden soll der historische St. Brigit in 488 A.D. Glastonbury besucht haben und die Kapelle (Mariä-Kapelle in der Glastonbury-Abtei), Maria Magdalena, neu bestellt haben. Für Historiker und Mythologen wurde es der Ort, an dem das Schwert der Souveränität des Landes - Excalibur - geschmiedet wurde und dann zu seinem Schöpfer zurückkehrte. Es wurde die
Ort, wo sein größter König - Arthur - die Vision, die zu seinen Siegen führte, und es war, wo er zurückkehrte - wenn tödlich verwundet - auf die andere Seite überqueren - als sein Begräbnisort, das von Merlin, Morgan Le Fay, Guinevere und viele heilige Ein mittelalterlicher Wallfahrtsort - es war ein Zentrum für unabhängiges und spirituelles Denken - besucht vom Keltischen
Christen, Ritter Templar, Mendicants, Naturphilosophen und Okkultisten wie John Dee und Schriftsteller / Dichter wie ein William Blake. Es wurde der Ort, wo die Schrift des Lebens selbst in Form des Heiligen Grals begraben wurde, und damit das verwandelnde Blut der Alchimisten. * Es ist auch die "Festung der Faeries" (Caer Sidi), wo die Anderen Welten herrschen
Und die Schleier sind dünn.

Ein komplexes unterirdisches Netzwerk bietet das heilende, mineralisierte Wasser des Roten oder Blut-Frühlings, das am Kelch aufsteigt. In einem Gebiet namens Chalice Well Gardens. Die Wasserleute sagen, kann aus dem Ort, aus den Mendip Hills oder aus weiter weg ... von tief in der Erde entstehen, die zum ersten Mal zur Oberfläche auftaucht.

Das heilige geometrische Symbol, das als Vesica Piscis bekannt ist, wurde im frühen 20. Jahrhundert in die Chalice Well Gardens gebracht. Die beiden ineinandergreifenden Kreise der Vesica Piscis befinden sich in dem in den 1980er Jahren erbauten Pool im unteren Teil des Gartens. Die Vesica Piscis, mit dem Schwert von St.Michael durch sie, ist in Eisen über dem Eingang zum König Arthur's Hof gewachsen. Es ist auch
In den Toren des Eingangs in den 1990er Jahren, sowie das Mauerwerk des Weges. Und schließlich, und vielleicht am wichtigsten, ist es die Gegenwart auf dem Deckel, der den Brunnenkopf bedeckt
(Kelch gut).

Avalon ist ein "innerer" Ort, ein Raum, in dem die Bevölkerung etwa 35.000 liegt, doch die "Geistbevölkerung" ist deutlich höher. Das intensive Energiefeld übertrifft die Zeit, erhöht Ihre Emotionen, erweitert und vertieft Ihr Bewusstsein, liefert "Instant-Karma", verursacht bemerkenswerte Chance-Vorkommnisse und beschleunigt die Reifung von Schicksalen. Viele, die Glastonbury besuchen, wissen nicht, warum sie gekommen sind, aber sie gehen fern klarer, bevollmächtigt, mit Entscheidungen getroffen. In der keltischen Überlieferung ist Avalon der Eingang zu Annwn - die Unterwelt - wo versteckte Realitäten sichtbar werden. Wenn es vorgestellt wird, werden Wahrheiten vermieden und seltsame und schwierige Dinge passieren. Wenn es begrüßt wird, kann und wird ein Durchbruch führen. Wenn Sie sich gefühlt haben, um diesen magischen, spirituell historischen Ort zu besuchen, tun Sie dies mit einem offenen Geist und Herz, denn was Sie investieren, beeinflusst, was Sie aussteigen. Glastonbury ist ein wunderschönes, heiliges Heiligtum der Alchimie, ein Ort der Einweihung, der alten Lehren, der Mystik, des Geistes und der Energie - sie wird Sie sanft führen, was Ihr Herz am meisten sucht - lassen Sie sie herein und beobachten Sie die Magie entfalten


Glastonbury Tor, Glastonbury, UK 

Glastonbury Tor is a site of magic and mystery. Image by G. Wright/De Agostini Picture Library/Getty Images

Glastonbury Tor is a hill in Glastonbury, Somerset, England, which is believed to be a place of great spiritual power. According to legend it is the home of the Faerie King, Gwyn ap Nudd, and is a place where the fae live. In addition to otherworldly beings, the Tor has been home to an abbey full of monks during the time of Saint Patrick, and a medieval chapel. There has also been speculation that the terracing on the Tor is the remnant of some ancient labyrinth, in which early peoples worshipped a goddess, although there is not yet any concrete evidence to support this theory.

For years, legends said that in prehistoric times there may have been a stone circle located at the top of the five-hundred-foot Tor, much like Stonehenge. In 2002, archaeologists excavated what they believe to have been the foundations of a circular temple. Originally, the Tor was an island, connected to the mainland by a narrow strip of land only accessible at low tide. When floodwaters receded, the hill remained. Today, the Tor sits in the middle of a lush green valley. Although the hill itself is a natural formation, experts believe that over the centuries, it has been shaped and re-shaped by man.

There are paths that creep up the Tor, and it is believed that these terraced levels are in fact the remnants of an ancient seven-circuit labyrinth. The same design appears on Cretan coins, an Etruscan vase, and on the paths at Tintagel castle, which legend would have as the home of King Arthur.

The legends of Glastonbury and its mazes link the site to the goddess Cerridwen, keeper of the cauldron of knowledge. Cerridwen, in turn, is often linked to the quest for the Holy Grail in Arthurian lore.

There is some belief that the Tor location is especially powerful, from a metaphysical standpoint, because it sits at the intersection of two major ley lines.

Atasha McMillan at the Tor website suggests, "The Michael line is called that because most of the churches on it are dedicated to St.Michael, who was the Christian version of the protective male deity originally associated with this line. In the same way, St.Mary churches delineate the Mary line and replaced older shrines to a nurturing and gentle earth mother. The male and female nature of the two lines was thus preserved and continued by the Christian interpretation. The Michael and Mary lines are especially powerful. They connect major sacred sites throughout the South West and beyond. But it’s only on the Tor that their energies combine. In a harmonious dance of earth patterns, the lines move ever closer as they approach the summit. At the top, they merge and unite."

The Glastonbury Tor has been called many things -- the faeries' home, a spiral castle, an Arthurian fort, a magical point on a ley line, a center of fertility rituals, and more. Some people even believe it is a point for UFO convergence. Many visitors to Glastonbury report feeling changed after they've climbed up the Tor. Although all that remains on the top today is a tower, a relic from the chapel of St. Michael de Torre, visitors come from all around the world to visit the site.

It is now owned and managed by Britain's National Trust.

Many people who visit the Tor report that they feel something while climbing up and down the hill, and often use the word "changed" to describe the experience. According to the official website, "Many visitors to the Tor have had strange psychic experiences there including suddenly leaping into the air, feelings of weightlessness and disorientation, or disappearing into subterranean passages."


Source: https://www.thoughtco.com/glastonbury-tor-glastonbury-uk-2562640

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